
Book ’em, Nanno

| 3-D cakes, Cakes for Girls, Cakes for Guys

Book-cakeThis book cake was served at a graduation party for someone who just received his Ph.D. This book was so realistic that some of the party guests didn’t realize it was actually made of German chocolate cake and tried to open the cover! The maroon color and gold trim of the book matched the school colors. The graduation hat sitting atop of the book was also made of German chocolate cake, and it was made to look like the actual tam the graduate wore at his graduation, tassel and all. Ph.D.s wear fancy hats and gowns to signify that they have reached the highest level of academic achievement. This graduate’s university gave its Ph.D graduates an 8-sided doctoral tam. (Other schools may give their Ph.D. graduates tams in slightly different shapes, such as a 6-sided tam – who knew? It’s all pomp and circumstance!)

Congratulations on your Ph.D, Dr. Carl.!! Very impressive!

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